The guy made it abundantly clear he doesn’t like seeing or hearing himself perform, and then they went ahead and played a clip anyway. I don’t blame him for bailing and it seems oddly dickish behavior from Terry Gross and co.
The guy made it abundantly clear he doesn’t like seeing or hearing himself perform, and then they went ahead and played a clip anyway. I don’t blame him for bailing and it seems oddly dickish behavior from Terry Gross and co.
I am willing to bet that Stephen Miller (and possibly Hannity) had an active hand in drafting and literally used the phrase, “your Emancipation Proclamation, Sir”
What is normal is that he set a very clear boundary of I do not watch or listen to clips of myself and they violated it so he walked out like a normal and healthy person would when their boundaries are violated. Terry Gross is the asshole here not Adam Driver.
I really can’t laugh at this shit because a fucking 12 year old is *president. For all the dumb ass white folks that said we had to put up with Obama you can eat a bag of dicks. I mean that letter should be spoofed until the end of time. Who in the fuck wrote it? A teenager that just got dumped via Facebook? No really…
Jesus, this is a whiny-ass bitch move. Documented for all of history to see what a whiny liar he is.
He’s been doing that the entirety of his term in office, tho.
This letter, which you know he didn’t write and at best dictated maybe a quarter of (and which I would pay fifty dollars to watch him attempt to read out loud start to finish, but I would only pay on completion, so I’d get to watch it for free) will appear in future textbooks in the “Psychological projection” module.
I am fully goddamn ready for this.
I love that he adds ‘from the movie Zodiac’ after mentioning Gyllenhaal.
I’ll just keep watching ‘Drumline’ over and over again.
If Boston(Massachusetts) vs Connecticut is the only thing someone has to point out to claim that Orlando Jones is wrong then Mr. Jones is definitely right about what he said.
Hey, mods, the troll traps need cleaning out. Don’t worry, I don’t charge for my services.
I’m going with slips on KFC grease. Headfirst into his golden toilet, where he then drowns. Flushing 10-15 times as he tries to free himself.
I don’t want a whole ass pink tree, but I DID lobby my family pretty hard to decorate our existing tree in only pink and white lights with matching ornaments. I sold it to spouse but both children are, after years of youthful enjoyment, on an anti-pink campaign and I was unable to seal the deal. I just really wanted…
*long post, sorry*
This sucks and is particularly disturbing because submariners have to go through an extensive battery of psychological testing in order to be deployed.
Really good friends.
Because the parents love their children unconditionally, this child is not likely to end up on the streets, lonely and longing for a loving family. The wise parents probably won’t get a call to inform them that their child is dead - murdered or committed suicide due to lack of support or acceptance. Unconditional…
Who looks at that photo and says “You know what that family needs right now? Some of my unsolicited bullshit”.