100%. This is the only possible take on the situation.
100%. This is the only possible take on the situation.
Huh. It almost sounds as if you’re saying “My experience is the valid one. Everyone else’s experience is wrong”.
You are right on. The sense of unreality can be absolutely paralyzing. I wish we didn’t have to keep explaining that to people who lack even the most basic empathy.
+1 for AAron.
Amen to your entire second paragraph. Perfectly worded.
Ding ding ding ding!
Lord. When I moved to Charlottesville over 20 years ago I knew I was in the South but I had no idea just how stuck in the past it was. But here we are with these racist Confederate intellectually-stunted white losers STILL snowflaking about their family’s slave-owning pasts. You know that “heritage not hate” bullshit…
I needed a good guffaw today and your keen grasp of science here definitely provided it for me. Thank you for your service.
All the AMENs to you! That vape shit smells terrible and doesn’t dissipate nearly as quickly as vapers would like to think it does. Also they look stupid sucking on their grown-up pacifier things.
I am 100% meh on all Brinkleys and Brinkley-adjacents. But Wendy Williams was, is, and will always be a garbage person. Why is she still a thing?
Came for this. Was not disappointed.
Shallow water blackout? Or underlying, undiagnosed medical condition?
You’re absolutely right. The full letter is easily available online and well worth reading.
“Jury Finds Conventionally-Attractive Blonde Woman Not Guilty” FIFY
I feel like those letters should have been posted in Barf Bag.
My love for Octavia Spencer is boundless. BOUNDLESS, I say!
Don’t scrub don’t scrub don’t scrub! DO NOT SCRUB your beautiful face! Wash, yes. Cleanse, yes. Exfoliate, sure. Ixnay on the scrubbing.
HAAAAATED!!! Read it for my book club but it didn’t get much love from any of us. Just a miserable story with miserable characters and . . . that was it. Ick.
Everything you said. Everything.