Koala Kel

I thought it was Vanessa Bayer doing a character at first. I do not get Miranda July. At. All.

It is, if the entire point of the sport is to cheer on men, while looking as sexualized as possible. And yes, I realize this is at international competition level, but one cannot deny that there are gross undertones to it that are not there in other sports. Like, why do they have to have the ridiculous bows on their

I’m not arguing that. Heck, I wouldn’t know.

That guy’s idea of “compromise” is “do what I say.”


Will wear my hair even bigger and crazier from now on just to spite these people.

Do people not realize how damaging it is to straighten curly hair??? I'm multiethnic and have naturally coarse, thick, curly hair and people go "oh, you should just straighten it for work" as though that wouldn't destroy my hair at all.

LOOK at that GORGEOUS young girl! ... Seriously, WTF - Texas!

I want that on my Diva Cup.

I’d pitch in to have in monogrammed.

And he’s a deacon! As we know, no one ever uses positions of authority in a church to gain access to vulnerable people and take advantage of them. Nope. Never.

And being a community volunteer (dollars to donuts he taught fucking Sunday school) is not unusual because it’s instant access to the vulnerable members of society: disabled, children, elderly. This should shock no one.

What some people never seem to understand is that being a charismatic, trustworthy, upstanding member of society is precisely the thing that allows guys like this to get away with what they do, because no one believes they could be capable of such horrors and they ignore all the signs of what’s going on.

“I thought this was going to be a class about floral arranging!”- Moms

It’s the only way to be sure.

Best rando comment I read was “Best ginger Angelina Jolie that’s had a stroke”.

Can I AW my daughters costume? Cause this is pretty much the reason I had a kid.

Which part of dirt bag is this supposed to be a reaction to, exactly? All of it? Because that’s kind of the face I’m making in regards to all these stories tonight.

Goddamn that is so good.