
It needs cleaning. Sorry.

"Most homes?" Where the hell do you live?

Didn't she knowingly drink he peanut-tainted smoothie? Even though she wasn't the one who made it, she went with it any way to get off the hook?

Yes to Jessica, and I'd like to add a "throw Bobby in there" as well. I loved his beginning bits in "Don't Say Yes." Actually, "Don't Say Yes" was one of my favorite numbers from the whole season, and I didn't even know Christian Borle going into this. I'd watch him doing all the songs.

Can't really get what you're trying to say.

Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.

Re: Leo
It helps if, when recalling the season, you replace Leo with Fesic from "The Princess Bride."

" I can only hope they follow through with the suggestion that Derek's taste has deep flaws. "

Karen's "something?" Speilberg's boner.