
They’re innocent. Rutgers doesn’t beat anyone.

ugh someone help me get this huge stupid grin off my face before my co-workers think I care about things.

I like him a whole lot. Mostly because I love actors who hit their peaks after, like, 40.

Maybe Jergens can do a matching scholarship.

Nowhere in here did I call him a dick or write about anything he has done outside of the text of this book. Also, I went out of my way to say, in the first paragraph, that the thing he is doing is not new or all that unusual. It merely is a thing I was thinking about while reading the early pages of Purity, and I

It’s almost like this is a forum where you can record your thoughts as you have them ... like a diary or a log of some kind, except on the internet, so ... i-log? w-log? anyone?

Poor soldier, having to attend a Rams game. Hasn’t he sacrificed enough?


HIPSTER DEMON gets all my lolz of the day. I just imagine him hanging out saying he liked killing families before it got all like, popular, and wearing ironic v-neck t-shirts.

But then how would I build character?

I was assigned this story specifically because it would scare the shit out of me. :(

A couple of those examples (say, how the slaves brought important knowledge) seem less like attempts at making slavery into a positive thing, and more of a very clumsy attempt to document some kind of... agency or personhood for people who are often only depicted as helpless, faceless, no-impact victims.

I fully support Jezebel’s new direction of being a bear-centric website.

Thank god there are still hot singles in my area that want to fuck me now.