
Yeah, the one time he drove me anywhere was to pick up the pill. Yesssssssss anything for a free ride.

To everyone crying “selfishness!” a pregnant woman, who is by many accounts an “inconvenienced” woman, possibly went through a whole lot of trouble and put herself at risk to ensure citizenship that she thought would help her child’s future. And I don’t really buy any “anchor baby” stuff, I bet she knew she would end

All of this sucks. Every part of it. I don’t understand time out chairs. I’m assuming if you have the disposable income to buy this monstrosity, your child has a room, they might even have a yard. When ignoring doesn’t cut it anymore (which most parents these days don’t even try, which is a travesty, because they will

Wow, another vaccine spotlight that probably isn’t addressing whatever issue is really at hand.

Just gonna throw it out there that abortions need to be legal and accessible.

I think it’s offensive to my cognitive abilities and to our ancestors to suggest that I need to keep memories visible to myself and the world in order to preserve a memory. Trust me, Facebook, Instagram, Gmail, etc. I remember that person quite well, I always will, and I don’t need reminders of the heartbreak from

I like to imagine chill Pope just sat with her in silence for a while, and then was like, “But Kim, what would Jesus do?” And then just gave her a look.

I feel like this has to do with the general attitude towards work v. quality of life/family in the US. For example, we don’t have paternity leave, or if we do, it’s super scant, and maternity leave is generally not long enough. I feel like we need understand the issue as women getting the short end of the stick (per

That’s all of healthcare professions in a nutshell. Everyone is constantly trying to maintain and expand their jurisdictional boundaries. It’s pretty ironic that this whole thing came up, because say she’d worn a white coat, people in the healthcare field maybe would’ve agreed that it was innappropriate, which is

Ugh, ew at the idea that women put off OBGYN things out of embarassment and not because that ish is TRAUMATIZING. Seriously, there are mountains of RCTs out there talking about the extreme anxiety it causes.

This is why people with disabilities continue to be the invisible minority. I just don’t get it. How hard is it to cast someone in a wheelchair? People in wheelchairs navigate situations much more nuanced than a typical Hollywood script on the daily - they can handle it.

There’s also the feeling that the person who commited the crime will 1) not experience adequate reperussions 2) if they do, they still will not feel adequate remorse. I guess this is just another way of saying “lack of control,” but there exists a hopeless feeling that there will never be adequate justice that sets

So...how much do we think that the “divine inspiration” bullshit helped his case?