
She was not taken out of context though. I saw her video she says the game intends for players to kill strippers drag their bodies around and get a perverse thrill out if it. That is lying.

"Because the ones that go on about hitman do in fact take her example out of context."

"But Sarkeesian's the con artist, yup yup yup.".

It's not that she's cherry picking it's that her description of the game is so wrong that she either never played it or is lying about it.

Oh I'm sorry does going over her points in detail not count as respect in your book? Do you want a thorough rebuttal or not?

I love how you think those are mutually exclusive.

"And Sarkeesian disabled comments on her videos to stem the steady stream of horrible abuse that was sent her way."

The point was that there are people who will go on crusades over any little thing they could possibly misinterpret. Other more successful twitter mobs have gotten people fired.

What's wrong with Louis CK?

"The reason they don't differentiate between "actual hateful and bigoted speech" and and "out of context slip-up" is because, with respect to issues of oppression, the latter can be just as bad."

"then the fact that you don't like it does, as a matter of fact, make you right when you say "that's offensive."

"STRONGLY AGREE. "Political correctness" is nothing more than being a baseline decent person,"

Well if the cancel colbert hastag taught us anything it's that you never know what idiots will miss the obvious point in your joke and over react.

"Personally I think "Political Correctness" is at this point just something people say when they're not allowed to insult all the racial groups they could 20-30 years ago."

You can find the same sentiments from Chris Rock.

Yeah and if HE thinks you're too PC that's saying something.

You link to a blog that endorses a post saying that you can't be sexism against men? And I'M the jackass? Seriously what kind of a stupid bigot tries to redefine sexism and thinks everyone else will just play along?

I didn't know how the lawsuit ended, but what have feminists accomplished right now?

It's a bit of a vague definition, but in general it's about not offending anyone and using soft language. I'd recommend wikipedia or urban dictionary.

Well if you want to pretend that society mirrors what it was like nearly a century ago you need evidence for that. If you want to blame everything on a mythical boogeyman then yes you do sound like the people who blame everything on the Illuminati or the Jews. But let's be honest ANYTHING can be blamed on patriarchy