
I’m with you on that. Her struggling with being Killer Frost felt settled.

Comment/username synergy.

I did enjoy Black Siren (Earth-2 Laurel) destroying Star City’s statue of Black Canary (Earth-1 Laurel) last season, just to drive home that she is such a hardcore bitch that she is even a bitch to herself.

Alex/Maggie: *Several minute heart-to-heart regarding both wedding planning and abandonment/daddy issues*

If the constant attacks on Flash museums and statues has taught us anything it’s that cities should stop putting up statues of Superheros. I guess National City’s excuse is that they are in a different universe.

I was really that Carol would continue to mope and get all “CW” through the end of the episode. I’m glad

It’s fucking awful

Yikes. Sorry you hated this so much. I really loved it. Especially Joanna Garcia-Swisher’s character’s perspective on Kevin’s botched suicide. It’s a permanent solution to a temporary problem and it always leaves huge damage behind. I hope they pull at that thread some more.

The comparison to Harvey is odd. In this show, it seems like Kevin and the audience can see the angel, while the other characters can’t. In Harvey, the gag was that not even the *audience* can see Harvey (it’s not even revealed until about halfway through the movie that Harvey is, in fact, real). And without having

I really enjoyed Joan of Arcadia and its non-religion-specific approach, and hope this series develops as well as that show did. (Although one thing I liked about Joan of Arcadia was its multiple God avatars, especially the late great Katheryn Joosten.)

Hey now. Harvey is wonderful.

Interesting; this is the first negative review of this I’ve seen. It wasn’t even on my radar until the fairly universal positive reviews I’d read.

Also, where the fuck was Summer this season? She was like, as plot-integral (and funny) as Rick and Morty in Season 2, and then this season she was only in the A-story once. That was disappointing.

The books imply that Claire doesn’t get pregnant easily and has hard pregnancies (outright saying that she would have died giving birth to Brianna if she had stayed) though given that to our knowledge Jamie has fathered three children and they all caused injury or death to the mothers it really could be his fault.

As far as arranged marriages go, Isobel’s is one of the better ones.

The show has used modern songs before. The closing credits of last year’s finale, plus they used ‘40s songs in season 1 all the time over Claire’s Scottish scenes. It was a cool stylistic motif.

You mean... Vicky should get a bigger part?

The golden rule in The Good Place writers’ room seems to be “Never put off until next episode, that which you can do this episode.”

The problem is there are apparently people who miss the point and think Rick should be considered a role model be emulated. You would think his constant lack of happiness would be a guide.

“I was traumatized, Summer, okay? Your generation wouldn’t get that.”

Totally understand. I think I could reply Meh to any article on any of these Kinja sites, honestly, but you caused me to sing Queen’s Bicycle in my head so it’s definitely a good thing on my end...