I wish this show got episodic reviews. It’s my very favorite of Marvel Television’s output.
I wish this show got episodic reviews. It’s my very favorite of Marvel Television’s output.
If it’s south of the Mason-Dixon line, it’s South.
It’s nice to know that even in the zombie apocalypse, the South still completely loses its shit in a snowstorm.
It’s an Albany expression.
I really HATE losing Tara and Enid. But it’s almost worth it to be rid of Henry.
Michonne suggested to Lydia that she should run off and spare Daryl, Connie, and Henry the risk of protecting her.
Lydia’s obvious response to that is that she tried that strategy already, but Henry is just too naive, stupid, and horny to let her go.
“On the bright side for Olivia Jade, all of this has massively raised her profile, which will translate directly to her follower count. So in the end, maybe her mother did do something useful for her!”
Magicians Corner: Judith Hoag is great at playing television’s worst mom (at least among the subset that aren’t doing anything to their children that could get them arrested).
Magicians Corner: It speaks to just what a deep bench this show has in terms of acting that they can build an episode where our main characters only appear fleetingly so that characters ranging from supporting to fleeting and peripheral can take center stage and the performances are still rock solid. And it was nice…
So how many episodes this season are going to be driven by the fact that Henry’s a fucking idiot?
Judith and Michonne are both right about Negan.
I loved the first season but wasn’t as big of a fan of the second season — it felt a little too bleak and Sam’s girls didn’t have enough redeeming moments to balance out all of the times they treated their mom like shit.
For the show on television on television that’s the most purely observational to have this surreal, fourth wall-bending fantasy device is interesting.
That the character played by the real-life daughter of television’s most famous fake psychic might actually be psychic is just fun.
Yeah, he felt stale by his last couple appearances too.
Unpopular opinion: Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, and Maya Rudolph have been doing the same sort of schtick at these sorts of things for years now, and it’s starting to feel sort of stale.
I didn’t miss having a host at all this year.
I’m actually excited to see Norman Reedus and Lauren Ridloff off in the wilderness together, tracking and not speaking.
We can only hope that Daryl’s pursuit of Henry is as successful as his pursuit of Sophia was back in Season 2.
With a little luck, Alpha will kill him.
Man, he sucks.
It’s remarkable to me that this is Eboni Freeman’s first credited teleplay, after eight years working as a producer for Fox Sports. There are writers who will go their entire careers without producing a written work as good as the script for this episode. Given that nearly the entire episode takes place either in the…
The biggest problem “Veep” has these days is that reality has outstripped it. When the actual president is more farcical than the fictional one, things that used to feel like a hilarious exaggeration of the real world start to just feel familiar and sad.
Magicians corner: Well, at least Eliot isn’t completely dead.
I was just going to post that it was my favorite coming of age TV series since “Freaks & Geeks”.