
That's why it's the #1 God-recommended strip club in Texas.

Google tells me that she's ten. So they probably got this season in the can just as puberty was about to strike.

When I saw the Mondasian Cybermen in the trailer for this series, I groaned. The only reason they looked like that back then was because of the limitations of the show's production at the time. Deliberately going back to those shoddy production values out of a sense of nostalgia seemed like a very fan-service-y choice.

I thought county vacancies in the state of Washington were filled by the local board of county commissioners.

I was hoping she'd replace Baracus as DA.

Blaine had gotten himself reinfected at that point.

It's nice to know Ravi is the kind of considerate lover who incorporates cunnilingus into his lovemaking, I guess.

Im still waiting for Pied Piper to get acquired by Vanessa Marano's dick identification company, using money that fortuitously just fell into Bighead's lap.

One of the great pleasures of this show is that I have no idea what's about to happen each Sunday night, but I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange

I'm figuring that Cooper will either awaken at the end of next week's episode, since that's the midpoint, or not until very near the end.

Ferdinand is definitely sexually frustrated when he kills MK, but she DID torture him, rob him and attempt to kill him in brutal fashion as retribution for Helsinki.

I don't have a problem with MK's death scene itself: she had a chance to join the sisterhood but chose to stay apart, and she robbed, tortured and attempted to kill Ferdinand. Both of those choices are life-threatening decisions. And the brutal way that he killed her ties into the show's central theme of autonomy over

PT Westmoreland is 170 years old. If you think the sestras are battling the patriarchy now, imagine what it was like in the 1870s. The resources and autonomy needed to pull off neolution and such an extended lifespan are vast, and back then a man would have been far more likely to possess them.

This show has always balanced episodic cases of the week with Liv's ongoing zombie drama, but the way the police storyline is spilling over from week to week instead of staying neatly contained within the 41 minutes is proving to be, frankly, rather unnerving.

"What's that?"
"Roommate's sex fort."

Donnie sneaking off with that roller suitcase in tow, though.

One of the upsides of Moffat leaving is that it hopefully means we won't be stuck with the prefunctory Gattis episode every series.

Fort Lust definitely explains why Major's been A-OK about Liv dating his Fillmore Graves soldier buddy.

Well, technically Shelly is.

My favorite guilty pleasure.