
Given that Bowie was planned to be a part of this, Ive got to believe that he never disclosed the extent of his illness. Otherwise, it would have been a no brainer to have him just call in and record the teapot's lines over the phone.

They only do that at funerals.

You're right, I totally forgot about Audrey Eastman shooting her. But even then, the bullet mostly ricocheted off, only grazing her shoulder when it would have penetrated deep for a regular person.

While she's not impenetrable like Luke, she's still far more resistant to injury than a normal human, and recovers far quicker. She's gotten shot at fairly close range and only suffered bruises. Cuts that would be deep wounds on a regular human are probably more like scratches on her.

"I get the distinct impression The Defenders wishes it weren’t a TV show."

Oh, it's totally warranted.

Summer knows what's up.

The North's just that kind of place.

But he's OUR dumbass, dammit.

I liked Cal and hope he's still involved in Kira's life in some fashion. But he can be the dad who has his kid every other weekend. it was right that Sarah and Felix and Kira are the happy little family unit at the end.

This show rightly gets a lot of praise for its portrayal of strong, complex female characters. So much so that it's easy to forget that it did a better than average job with its portrayal of strong, complex male characters too. Felix, Art, Donnie, Scott were dependable, empathetic, self-sacrificing, more concerned

I was a bit bothered by that too, but when you think back Art and Donnie were a lot more hands on helping Helena that Felix was.

I would have liked another half hour to give the demise of Neolution the payoff it deserved. But I wouldn't trade that second half dealing with the aftermath for anything.

My heart lurched when the episode opened with that flashback to a younger Sarah and Mrs. S sitting in the car outside Planned Parenthood. I loved that scene in and of itself, the complexity of it with Mrs. S firmly (and correctly) believing that Sarah was not at all ready to be mother, and Sarah knowing that an

It's always good when Morty and Summer are on the same page about what a shitshow their family is, earnestly want to work on improving things, and are summarily ignored.

It's that fucking golden hand.

Imagine being part of a medieval army, and suddenly you're facing the magical equivalent of artillery shells exploding around you. That final battle was basically taking the Lancaster army and dropping them half a millennia in the future into the middle of World War II.

I actually thought Young Helena looked a lot more like a young Tatiana Maslany than Charlotte does. I never really bought into that casting.

The girl who played young Helena in this episode makes for a much more believable young Tatiana Maslany than the girl who plays Charlotte. No offense to the latter; it's not an acting issue, but the resemblance has just never been strong enough.

Because he's Jerry.