Fatherly Killbot

Cheers to engineering awesomeness!

Since there is a lot of smart geeks on this site. Could I get help diagnosing a critical medical problem I have.

Aaron Paul for Eddie.

"I do not kill with my gun; he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father.
I kill with my heart alllright allright alright.”

LOL, you needed that much ground clearance? I did it in an F40 bro.

The humans are dead!

Two words:

The biggest, most beautiful theatre in the world still isn't going to beat my couch. Nolan's delusional if he thinks people would rather pay ten bucks for a soda while surrounded by a mob of assholes when they could avoid all of that and watch it at home. The only reason people go to the movies is because they have to

yeah. I made that.:P

Not sure if marathoners who don't lift are considered "skinny fat" - I thought the term was more for the sedentary thin?

I really appreciate all of these articles about self publishing and writing. I am standing at the signpost, looking at the paths ahead for my writing, and it is all confusing and a bit frightening, from a "how do I pay the mortgage" viewpoint. Articles and discussions help, of course. There's not always good news, but

Maybe I'm naive, but as we continue to , "...counter rising wage costs," by replacing people with machines aren't we eventually going to run out of people who can afford to buy the products that machines are making?