
I knew he was dead as soon as Patrick Wilson's advice that he be taken into custody was dismissed.

Hilarious sketch from top to bottom, but for some reason it's the warm, off-screen "Buddy!" at 0:51 that destroys me.

I was gonna say, shows that don't make money don't tend to receive three year extensions. Conan sports a very young and profitable audience for TBS and regularly releases online videos that go viral. The WJS's chicken little perspective turned out to be pretty ignorant.

Which I don't disagree with. I just wanted to point out that he's not categorically a charlatan.

Well, when the movie didn't do much more than make its money back, Lucasfilm had little reason to keep that machine churning. It's a shame, because I still think it's ripe for a sequel.

What's amazing is that she played another evil sorceress only three years earlier, in the hugely underrated (and twice as terrifying) Return to Oz.

That doesn't tally though because the High Aldwin quite literally transforms a rock into a bird with a magic spell. He may not have the greatest handle on his powers, and he supplements them with parlor tricks - just as Willow does even at the end - but he's obviously tapped into SOMETHING.

General Kael remains awesome, just a character made to be an action figure. Can't believe it took so long for Lucasfilm to come up with the idea to expand the Token Pat Roach Henchman role into a legitimate supporting character.

I believe they were, but the acquisition occurred in late 2012, while the Blu-ray was released in 2013. Which, granted, was already like two and a half years ago, but man, I didn't think the cycle shrunk so dramatically these days.

As far as I know, Willow was in fact included along with all Lucasfilm properties. The goal may have been Star Wars, but Disney bought Lucasfilm and all that comes with it. They had to pay additional money to Paramount to fully control Indy because Paramount had some distribution stake in that particular property.

It was a Zelda ripoff, but like Startropics, a quite decent one.

Fuuuck. Wanna grab it for me?

How the hell is the Blu-ray already out of print and commanding top dollar in the online marketplace? Ridiculous.

Netflix, like Amazon Video, has/had the same weird cut (neither the theatrical nor director's cut) that Anchor Bay mistakenly put on DVD as the theatrical cut back in the early 2000s and became the most circulated version. The more recent bare-bones releases by MGM has the authentic theatrical cut.

"Harris switched genres and didn't tell anybody."

Harris was essentially bullied into writing "Hannibal Rising" by Dino De Laurentiis, and in fact I think he had to write the movie's screenplay at the same time as the novel.

It's not like comparing two good movies. RED DRAGON is bad.

Most directors would give their left nut for the ridiculously great cast that "Red Dragon" has, and it's just a big nothing of a movie. Yes, "Manhunter" is painfully/awesomely 80s, but at least Mann imbued it with some fucking style.

I'd applaud if the last episode of the show used "Heartbeat" just for the fuck of it.