
There's a great deleted scene from Manhunter where, in the aftermath of killing the Tooth Fairy, he goes to visit the family who would have been killed next, and the scene is played such a way that you're a bit suspicious of Graham's intentions.

Ridley Scott's Hannibal is a good movie. It's trashy pulp horror with almost inappropriately lavish production values. The problem is that it is the sequel to a well-regarded psychological thriller.

To be fair, the Hannibal TV show posits a world where EVERYONE is more attractive than they should be.

The idea of RED DRAGON being better than MANHUNTER is some bullshit.

Will and Alana are no better than Jack.

She's been peripheral this year, but then so has Chilton.

Yeah, when Hannibal told her "That's professional discourtesy," that's as close as the show gets to objectively saying You Did Something Bad. One of the fun aspects of Hannibal has always been that he's the moral arbiter despite not having to bother with morals himself.

I don't think that's the reason they didn't let Freddie be the victim. The meaning of the lips is made clear in the very next scene: "With these he offended me," Sure, you can ascribe sexual connotations if you choose to, but it's not there any more than it's there for the other grotesque murders of women in this

The fact that they are constantly sniping at each other in the sessions tells me this is less about treatment and more about Hannibal's ex-wives needling each other.

I even felt bad for Gideon in a bizarre way.

No, she's as callous as ever. I'm pretty sure they mentioned a few episodes ago that, like in the book, she took off Graham's hospital sheet and snapped pictures. Then there's that article she published that is directly responsible for Walter looking at Will funny forever more.

I never understood why "Hassun" is so underrated, included by Fuller himself. The show allowed itself ONE courtroom episode, and instead of a series of cliches we had ears tumbling out of envelopes and judges holding their own brains on a platter.

It's meant to be obvious that Conan isn't actually being pranked here. His over-the-top reactions when Rudd "pulls one over" on him is 85% of the comedy.

As cheap as Hannibal is, they can still air something at least as cheap that will reliably garner higher numbers, as evidenced by the fact that it's about to be replaced by Dateline.

He is forever immortalized by Sam & Max Hit the Road.

Regardless of the stories surrounding him and Boardwalk Empire, it seems there was mutual love on Hannibal. Fuller definitely wanted him back and Pitt claimed in an interview last summer that he was interested in returning provided the scheduling worked.

I reject your Temple of Doom comparison.

Still more dignified than what happened to Conan's Tonight Show. NBC.com scrubbed any reference to the dude overnight, as I recall. He was essentially expunged from Tonight Show official history.

Sure, everything worked out. But your comment stated that Leno shouldn't be blamed for what happened. I disagree.

I understand that Leno didn't want to leave The Tonight Show, but he still agreed to it, then he went on to say, "Conan, it's yours" on the show. Once you publicly anoint your successor, it does kind of make you a villain to hang around and undermine his chances of success, in my book anyway.