Father Dope

Lmfao “Born to Runner-Up.” 

Argh, I couldn’t watch Rebels, I couldn’t watch the Clone Wars and I can’t watch this. I’ve even gone back to the supposed various “must see” episodes of those series, all to no avail. Can’t we just have something that I’m not embarrassed to have someone walk in on me watching and something that doesn’t look like a

Regardless of IMAX, not releasing the final season of Game of Thrones theatrically would be a monumental missed opportunity; financially and for fans. Particularly, the premiere and finale.

I remember when people could say what they wanted in a song and would balk at the idea of apologizing for it. I also remember when Eminem wasn’t an old b****.

Haha! Yeah, those modern “bands” often forget that they can’t actually play. Lucky for us, its sometimes in public.

Wow, a picture really is worth a thousand words. 

Finally, my years of lobbying for a Joker with a harelip are over.

Finally, my years of lobbying for a Joker with a harelip are over.

The ending meant nothing... Perhaps they shouldn’t have announced which disappearing characters were going to be getting solo sequel films AHEAD of Infinity War.

Who?... I’m heading back to the cave, it’s better in there.

Mackenzie Davis and an un-cast latina as the leads??? Where in the hell is Eddie Furlong as John Connor!!?