Fate Jacket X

Agreed on "Shotgun Betty" there.

I'm banking on seeing them in Infinity War. I think we'll see everybody in part 2 of that film. They will need every hero they can get.

Yeah, I'm fine with him being strong with the super skin, but I've always had issue with deviating superhero parameters. Lay it down and stick to it. An explosion like that could have slight effects on his dense muscle tissue, but we're talking heart attack central here. Lol I know I know…I'm making too much out of

Skye's shootout with those bad guy agents from last season was amazing too. Also 1 take.

I don't know about being unfazed by a point blank shotgun blast to the head in the comics. that would downright rattle his freakin' brain no matter how you look at it.



too many reviewers are focusing on Jeff's speech to Rich as being a cop out of sorts when the most important thing about it was his epic delivery of, "I am so amazing!"

your name is awesome.

that one song they sing right before tripping on berry seems totally ripped from the "lonely jew" song from south park.