fate47 - meh.

Too bad 'artists' can still win Grammys after being Auto-Tuned.

"What won't we see?"

@Grindhouse Murders: What about the French launching a car off of an aircraft carrier?

@fate47 - meh.: Also, you can see the catapult in the bottom right of the first pic.

@laylaholic: The Tomcats were the easiest to chock and chain but were more difficult to run behind than the Hornets since the exhausts of the Tomcats sit so low and the Hornets sit so high.

I knew what it was. I used to work on the flight deck. Here's a pic.

@OCEntertainment: I plan on reading some of Dr. Ekman's work as I find it fascinating.

This supplements my Lie to Me marathons I've been having via Netflix.

@rathat: I had it. It was pretty cool. I used to play Beyond Oasis on it until the games changed (every month the games changed).

Been there done that. (Kinda)

@DeeDawg: And lizard beats Spock.

Looks real - when it's in focus. It's hard to make a judgment about the details when the images aren't in focus for more than two to three seconds.

I don't even use Facebook... I think my species is going extinct.

@zhinker: Is Farmville like Harvest Moon?

@ShanaLD: Rick has to sleep with Lori very early so that the paternity of the baby is a little more murky. (Even though in the comic it was pointed out that the time frame was wrong.)

@TheFu: I use Notepadd++ on Windows (I've used JEdit before) and I use Xcode on Mac.

Jason looks like a young Jon Lovitz in the other vid.

@Nowell: If the bottle also cleaned the water then I'd pay the money.