@Batlife: I would argue that in the comics the zombies are secondary. The real story is how the situation affects the characters'.
@Batlife: I would argue that in the comics the zombies are secondary. The real story is how the situation affects the characters'.
@Hannah Vogel: I hated the use of 'geek'. Every time I heard it it brought me out of the show; the definition that I'm used to (the common meaning) didn't fit the context of the show. After hearing the racist dude say the n-word and someone else say 'shit', 'geek' seemed very out of place.
@feralkiwi: I was thinking that Rick would use the grenade to distract the zombies. They were on the roof and mentioned that sound would distract them. The car was a better idea, however.
@DashTheHand: What about the zombie picking up a brick to crack the window?
@ConfederateRokr: I'd never seen that before. Thanks for sharing!
I didn't even know there were steering wheel controllers with shifters and clutches.
@galfridus73: I can give those a shot, but I've never liked the techno-fantasy...well anything. (I'm looking at you FFVII.)
@raffleking: Thanks for the clarity. Also, is it worth watching (the anime)? I'm guessing yes, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
@galfridus73: Is the character supposed to be that young? Because if so, casting Zac Ecron cannot be justified.
@Wes: TheFu has a great point about USAA. If you, you're wife, or either of your parents are a veteran, then I'd go with USAA. I've USAA. Both my wife's and my cars are covered fully with $50 deductible (lowest possible at USAA) and I pay ~$130/mo.
I've never seen Akira. Is he a twenty-something year old Caucasian who is perpetually in high school with blue eyes and Bieber-hair?
@ThisGuy: Ah. Too much computer science must have some sort of negative effect on my reading comprehension.
@ThisGuy: Thanks. It's not listed under the 2010 section so I was wondering if parts 1 and 2 were coming out in 2011 and 2012 respectively, with the article being a mistype.
When does Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 come out?
@starbuck13: Sounds like Futurama. The episode entitled "The Late Philip J. Fry".
So, cracking open an egg to reveal floating egg innards could happen?
All I got from this article is that Adam Lambert is a hacker.
I loved this movie. There were some subtle things that you might miss in it.
@NicleT: I really liked this one. (The 6:02 part was annoying, though; I struggled against my instinct to turn it off.)
@SilentAssassn87: Is he using foreign-dubbed versions? I cannot understand the lyrics.