fate47 - meh.

As long as they keep the makeup consistent. If someone gets shot in one episode, then that person should still be injured in the next one. Lost was good at that. A character would get cut in one episode and have a scab/scar in another.

@SSgtTEX: Whenever my friends and I have time to get together and play Singstar (karaoke game), we have to wait for the system to update before I can play the game. On the 360, the download is the install, but on the PS3 it downloads then installs.

@lucidlyseen: I'd rather they release a polished product. Apple doesn't update OSX that often. Android is supposedly going to update only once or twice a year. My 360 doesn't update that often. Why does the PS3 have to download and then install the updates? Why does installation take so long?

@SSgtTEX: It's a pain to just watch a Blu-Ray considering it takes a while to update it first. It should be optional, not mandatory.

Great - another PS3 update. That's why I don't play it. Every time I turn it on, there's an update. It's worse than my Windows PC!

@waclark57: They do that sometimes. :P

@waclark57: I believe those are hotels on the sand.

@ArmoredCavalry: I live in Ohio. There might be one, but I don't know of it. Besides, do community colleges provide housing for families?

@ArmoredCavalry: You can't get an engineering degree from a community college. You have to go to an university accredited by the ABET (abet.org).

I'm going to Nuke the entire list. MWAHAHAHAHAHA

@ShadowMonkey: You could say that Rare is what it is. Or that it's aptly named. Or or or....

@Teh_Volz: Ditto. I bought so much gold...

Anyone else notice that all of the white actors in V have blue eyes?

@Ebendrath: Think of it as a handicap.

VOTE: 1Password

My wireless-G bandwidth has not been maxed yet. I pay for 8 megabits web access. Wireless-G is 54 megabits.

I used CrossOver Games to install Steam. It crashed so much that I just went ahead and installed Steam via Bootcamp to play Team Fortress 2 and it works fine.