
Dishonored is one of my favourite games of the past ten years so I’m super stoked about the sequel. However, the garish purple and blue lights seem hilariously overdramatic. Were the colours actually like that in the display or was it a trick of the camera?

Do yourself a favor and get Okami HD then.

i don’t think you played FO3.

Ah, percentages and percentage points. 5% is not 1% more than 4%. It is one “percentage point” more. In percent, 5% is actually 25% more than 4%. It’s Friday, who cares.

This plan was obviously dreamt up by Israel’s top secret Disney division.

Whoa. A legit, nonfiction article that is also Onion-worthy. I'm flipping out over here.

Adding an Aeris lives “route” (or storyline) - 32.6 percent

“Fight Nights at Freddy’s” Is this a pay-per-view event? NOW, you have my attention. haha

DirectX is proprietary. OpenGL isn't. Other devs support both fine, and supporting OpenGL also means they can roll out Linux versions. It's really not Apples fault at all.

And all the skulls have Sega written on them.


I must be the only person on the internet who actually treats rental cars better than my own car (because the hell if I’m paying for damage or extra charges).

Achievement unlocked: super confusing Kinja comment!

Oh, sorry. You don’t not need no fancy goggles.

“Silent Gears” - A Tactical Espionage Horror game about a futuristic soldier “Steel Viper” who infiltrates a small, foggy town, taken over by a rogue miltary body run by his evil clone, “Broken Viper” when both sides learn that the town has a horrifying secret of its own!

THE LAST GUARDIAN. Gamestop has had my $5 pre-order since 2011

And I don't think I'll ever be ok with your definition... Born and raised in the American South, this is a biscuit and tea.