
He said "DREET" and I'm about to freak out.

Very good.

Wow. Anyone else think that he picked Community because everyone was saying this whole tournament was just another excuse to priase Breaking Bad?

Listen, I didn't mean to come off as sexist as my comment sounded. I believe Hannibal has a great female audience. All I meant to say was, in my opinion, that a female reviewer was going to pick The Good Wife over Hannibal. Maybe I was upset that Hannibal didn't win the match-up, but in all honesty, who gives a shit.

Not trolling, just thought she was going to pick Good Wife. It was a bonus that she couldn't really "get into" Hannibal, and reviews Good Wife weekly.

How so?

Oh and just to say something about the first link you posted, the male voters almost doubled the female voters, and it's only ahead by 0.1.

Why did you write so much? She still picked Good Wife. Making what I said, correct.

It is a sexist thing to say, but that doesn't change the fact that it's absolutely right.

No offense, but as soon as I saw it was a female reviewer, I didn't have to read it. I knew she was going to pick The Good Wife.

Molly should have had a scene with Malvo and the deaf guy could have saved her or something. That would've made this finale a little bit more fun. All in all, excellent show.

I wasn't eating them, but I also threw up chicken nuggets when his head exploded.

Oberyn really should of kept his HEAD in the game. Seriously though, worst on screen death ever or what!??!

This review was not checked for errors.

Sith Lords are coming for you!!

Exactly. I wanted something out of the blue to happen. Get it. Out of the… blue. Ha.

Yeah I wanted something more out of the box. It was all too neat and tidy.

Anyone else think the finale was a bit lackluster? I just expected something to surprise me. It was pretty straightforward. I was kind of dissapointed. The series was brilliant and I did enjoy the ending, but it wasn't the ending I saw coming. Maybe I wanted something way out there, but then again, maybe I just can't

Best Raffi line ever.

Exactly. They're trying to evolve as a band. Mixing what made them so popular in the mainstream with some of their edgier roots. Besides Come Around Sundown (which I personally like but understand why most people find it lazy) I think they boast a pretty impressive catalog, most of which is really fun to listen to.