
If anyone wants hi-res images of those pix give me your email address. :)

Don't know how I feel about this. Mavs were already #1 in offensive efficiency. They were awful at defense, and now they only have one guy on the roster who can play center

I bet he and his wife had a conversation about whether or not the coffee was there for audience members and then decided that it would be silly to just have a pot of unused coffee sitting on the set, and it was probably not in the frame, right?

If the man had brewed it and stood there waiting for it would have been even better.

Please tell me this was the Cromer revival of 'Our Town'.

I was at a book festival where Giada de Laurentiis was doing a cooking demo. She suggested that people just throw out questions as she worked. The first question was from DerpLady, who asked "Can I help you?" Giada kindly assented. She was making white bean dip and told the lady to salt the mixture, handing her a bowl

that man is now officially my new hero, and to hell with anybody who says otherwise.

I can't tell you how close I got to convincing the wife I needed one of these.

They always keep the free samples in glass cases, don't they?

A theatre professor of mine once worked on a show that cooked real food onstage. It was so integral to the script that they actually had a real kitchen built onto the stage. Part of this was a coffee pot. One night, during intermission a man walked *on to the stage* poured himself a cup, and one for his wife, and

Not talk about it. You can just do the right thing without telling everyone. That's not only for issues of racism, it's also just a general rule. You shouldn't need positive reinforcement for being a decent person. Just be one.

They have a good moral argument, but this... this is not well articulated from a legal perspective. The quoted materials above in particular are not going to withstand the forces Zuffa can bring to bear.

This does not belong on a list of "Worst transportation safety campaigns."

This is so awesome ... this should be on the Best Of list.

Basically a real race engine needs to be efficient under racing regulation air restriction, fuel economy for longer stints and fewer pit stops, and run flat out for 24 hours something a street engine can't do. Race engines last about 8K miles before they need a total rebuild so a street/race engine swap makes sense.