
Yao: Welcome to the Shanghai Sharks.

Then why doesn't the Bugatti have the wing upfront?

Next question?

This sounds like an extremely volatile and tense situation, but I'm oddly happy that it involves a level-headed guy like Miller, who won't let all this craziness prevent him from plugging his dog's twitter account.

It holds more ordnance than a B-52, is semi-stealth, and can reach super sonic speeds when needed. I think it is pretty under-appreciated.

I'd rather they spend money on a B-1 loitering around, dropping ordinance on Daesh targets than us sending men and women over there to fight on the ground. This cuts the risk of American lives down quite a bit especially when you consider close quarters fights, IED's and other casualties from engagements with the

Seeing one of those poised overhead, waiting to kill me if I so much as poke my head out a window, would make me rethink my religious position in a big goddamn hurry.

"Both of the attackers, who are brothers".

Sorry, don't have time to watch a 25 minute video.

Well, they did have a grand Wizard at shortstop

Clio V6.

isn't it incredible what we can do with what is essentially just a stack of fans?

Ugh, another health-food hipster.

As a recovered alcoholic, this is what "functional alcoholism," looks like.

As a Texas Ranger fan living in this great baseball town... this makes me giggle.

Not to self: Argentinians can't take a joke