
"A law enforcement official tells AP he mailed a copy of the inside-elevator video showing Ray Rice punching out his then-fiancée to the NFL's security chief back in April".

This list is erroneous as C4 out ranks C5 and C6 which is not possible in any universe.

It's widespread changes like these that makes me think that Ballmer's Clippers will Excel during the 2014-15 NBA season.

When does the stupidity stop?

Me and the rest of the fans who didn't get up to use the bathroom or buy a $6.25 hotdog couldn't believe our eyes when we saw him coming out for shoot the puck. We then lost it when it started to strip. B+ hockey game, A+ celebrity appearance.

How rude of me... would you like some caramel?

[Unbuckles belt]

"Yeah, why didn't the good kids ever pass it to me? I know they were busy nutmegging the entire defense before curling a thirty-yarder into the top corner, but dammit, it wasn't any fun knowing I'd never get the chance to sky a couple of the crossbar like I'd practiced at home!"

There is precedence for this:

I would assume I'm not the only to have spent time to try and specifically find lap 186 to see if anything special actually happened

These Derek Jeter send-offs just get more and more emotional.

Call me crazy but I like that Mansory. It's not just that it's got carbon stuck all over it, it's that basically EVERY body panel has been replaced with a carbon fiber panel instead. That, plus 1600hp. Absolutely insane.

I was there on Tuesday. Had the same response.

Holy crap, I live right next to 100 Oaks. Odd to see a pic from my hometown at the top of Giz this morning.

I played for the Chiefs last season. Our performance last season was acceptable until the last quarter of our season

I've never been beaten with a switch but I have suffered similar injuries from tree branches on bare skin, and generally you don't bleed right away.

Exactly. And the more standards all our phones comply to, the more uptake there will be by retailers so we can use these features more! yay for us all. Don't get why people are so bitter.

...coming from the man who curses at someone about a random internet comment they made 9 months ago. lol