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Turning expertise? This truck driver has it.

You HAVE to be kidding me.

The Zune's pack-in earbuds had magnets 10 years ago (and sounded fantastic).

It sounds like he was trying to cover both extremes of each end. He doesn't tolerate the belittling of transgenders, but at the same time knows not everybody is perfectly comfortable or knowledgeable of transgenders and may be taken aback by the appearance of one. Which is perfectly understandable.

You know I always had a really good time with magnetic poetry, I'm really glad to see Blake opting to use it as her writing style.

So basically trying to catch a Giancarlo Stanton homer is just like trying to make it to the end of a Belladonna video.

I felt a great disturbance in the force. As if millions of Heat jerseys were folded and suddenly put in the back of closets.

Bath police is what my uncle used to call it :(

I disagree that they're early in their primes. Toews, no question. But Kane is almost at 89 and that's kinda up there on the list.

This is the biggest innovation for fans since the stadium in Pittsburgh introduced the windows over the urinals in the bathroom which allowed fans to continue to watch the game.

Clam the Throne?

And in other news, Bernie Ecclestone is now wanting to install cup-holders on all F1 cars and refills on every drive-through penalty.

3.) The Little Book Of Calm

I'm just impressed the car doesn't bottom out from the weight of his giant balls.

Not sure if this goes for everyone, but I "purchased" the free AccuWeather Platinum, and shortly after got a $1 promotional credit towards Amazon Digital Music.

Say what you will about Simmons, Boston homer, profound hater of the Lakers, Grade A douche, he seems like one of the few basketball commentators that actually watches basketball. The man has a Rain Man talent for all things NBA. I'm convinced Wilbon and Stephen A. Smith wouldn't know a basketball if it hit him them

If I'm not mistaken I believe he had a few years with the Dodgers where he had a few decent seasons then a monster year. Then he took the money and went to Seattle and pretty much disappeared for a while. The Sox picked him up and he went ape shit. Sadly, the sox didn't want to pay him and believed Middlebrooks would