
I was so bummed that he got ousted from Dallas - fuck Jerry Jones.

I was so used to doing this that I did it instinctively on my ‘16 WRX which I later found out has wiper heaters. While not as fancy as the full windshield heater, it is surprisingly effective and now I get to scoff at the peasants who do not own this technology that I didn’t even know I had until a week ago.

You can see that Wideman takes a blindside shoulder to the head at the :25 mark, and then his head goes face-first into the dasher boards.

+1 but I don’t like it - living in Nashville we only have one pro sports team so I’ll take what I can get.

I was going to reply to the main post but you pretty much nailed it. It also matters if a player is on an extension of an entry level contract.

I don’t think anyone denies that it is gouging, they were just up front about it from the start.

I’m not sure I’ve smiled much at all this week but man, this shook me out of my funk - thank you. I’m so stoked for that guy.

I haven’t seen it in the article on the Hound Labs site but since I’m also in toxicology I’ll speak a bit to how the determination is probably happening. With most urine tests, they are looking specifically for the metabolite of THC (11-nor-9-Carboxy-THC) which does stick in your body quite readily and not the parent

I have to assume this is Penis Federal right?

I’d have to imagine that is because your charger has some decent sized capacitors on them - they’ll work for a little while after they stop receiving power but are slowly discharging as time goes on so you wouldn’t get a charge after you came back a while later.

I’d have to imagine that is because your charger has some decent sized capacitors on them - they’ll work for a

I drive by this every day, I was wondering what the hell was going on with it - it looks really cool at night at least. Also, it’s not ‘Outside Nashville’ but rather like a mile outside of downtown on the major North/South highway I-65.

May have also been Tennessee - I was driving from Nashville to Atlanta and back.

Was driving through Georgia last weekend and they had a sign that said:

hot take

No Valve hat simulator (tf2)? Terrible.

As a Rangers fan, I wish this could have been an incorrect call and they’d have to replay the last 3 innings because the game was played under protest. That of course will not happen and I will continue to cry into my beer.

I saw the thumbnail and was like, ‘Hey! that looks like Muselk’s video I saw at lunch today.’ His channel is pretty great if you don’t mind a lot of TF2.

Man, fuck Joe West. I have no love for the Giants but West has no place in today’s game where he could be rightfully replaced with a computer.

Shit like this is why I have shifted over to using the Google Wallet card. I can top the card up when I need to go to the ATM and I don’t have to use a card that is directly linked to my bank account.