
Ever since John Oliver went off and got too busy for The Bugle.

Every Cowboys offseason is like some sick test of our morality where I have to decide if I’m a terrible person if I don’t denounce them and buy a Jaguars jersey as penance.”

That is flawless logic.

As much as I appreciate the ‘Miata is the answer’ club, when you want a WRX, it is not the answer because it doesn’t satisfy the 2 big things that I like the WRX for: 4-dr, AWD. The other stuff I like (hood scoop, turbo engine, etc) can all be done to a Miata if you want.

I had a sunroof on my second car and I also used it non-stop, been missing having one ever since. I do live where it gets... cold enough, and yeah fog lights are always awesome. I like how you think.

I’m literally in the position of making this decision right now. I owned a 2002 WRX for 8 years and the only thing I wanted extra on that car the whole time I owned it was a sunroof. Now - I’m trying to decide if heated seats, fog lights, sunroof, and a ‘Premium’ badge are worth the extra ~2k$. So far, I think so.

Selling a car in Nashville on the Omaha Craigslist?

It is extremely difficult to administer properly through gas - and shouldn’t be administered at all to someone who doesn’t already have an opiate tolerance. Better yet, I’ve read several reports that say that the theater gassing was most likely methyl-fentanyl which is even more potent.

Now playing

Bo Jackson did this to him - hard grounder to the mound

No - I am also educated and salaried and I hadn’t heard of him outside of small mentions here and there about Infinite Jest, never really paying attention. A friend who is quite a bit better read than me gave me a copy of the book probably 3-4 years ago. I of course read it like crazy... for about 250 pages and then

I first heard Chance on Baby Blue w/ Action Bronson and have been obsessed since. Every single thing this guy has touched is fucking fantastic: Acid Rap, Sunday Candy/Surf, Mr. Happy (his badass Vice short). Seriously - check everything out.

I obviously wasn’t paying too much attention because that is how I read the story.

Smelling salts. Helps clear the head up after a big hit or particularly rough shift.

True, but think about the end of the mulsanne straight where the cars begin to make the right hander. While not quite as extreme as this turn, it is still incredibly high speed and a big flat right (not to mention the rest of the 8+ miles they’re blistering through).

I suppose that is strictly what I’m thinking about - I mainly pay attention to F1 and the tire technology there. Granted, there is a bit of a ‘nerfing’ of the technology there to force pit stops so I suppose it really isn’t quite as comparable at all. Very interesting to see what a company could do if race longevity

I’m curious what kinds of tire compounds they’re using that will hold up to repeated 200+ mph unbanked turns. Pretty incredible that the tires can withstand that at all, let alone a 20-40? lap stint.

Nelson Cruz makes the catch and the Rangers win the WS.

But when it comes to automobiles, Americans aren't so quick to embrace the small and fuel-efficient – and, Steven, I can tell you right now there are precisely two reasons why this is.

Totally - Nissan still does crazy Nismo stuff all the time and the 370Z is a fantastic sports car.

I miss carving up Lime Creek Road - at completely legal and reasonable speeds of course.