
get a life

There's an 11th dimension of Odor Space - an "M Theory", if you will. It's called Crotch.

Watching hysterical Bullock spin around & around in that WAY over the top 360 shot is actually quite - funny.

Yep - sure would.


"you must detach..."

Does Bullocks streak across the sky in a fiery descent at the end, and like her charred corpse takes out Brad Pitt & his family at the end of that flick - right when they think they're safe from the Zombies - BAM !

Pound that mound, little fish...

My my... we certainly DO need to get over ourselves, don't we ??

Well, duh...

"...this object has crammed the masses of 4.1 million Suns into a space that's as small as Uranus'..."

I smell Bull Shit !

Gates is a thief & a crook. He stole and bullied his way to a monopoly, then continued in that fashion. He's not a great man. He just has a lot of money.

This is BEYOND awesome ! I have almost EVERY copy of OMNI printed.

This is why Vimeo sucks now.

Just a quick question - which camoron pic do you masturbate to every night : short-haired camoron, or long-haired pissed off lesbian camoron ??

Watch your step, FBI - Anonymous is watching.

No, I won't.

You'd think if Bill was so concerned about viruses, he would have fixed that crap Windows software a long time ago...