
"Into Darkness", indeed...

I couldn't have said it better.

Perhaps to you, sadly.

Very well said.

Yes, a "new generation" of viewers. One that stares at the screen slobbering at all the 'xplosions, and everything that goes-real-fast.

You think the new StarDrek movies are "creative" LOL.

What amazes me is how many people think they're "awesome" because they think they have an "awesome" phone; when they really should put some emphasis on improving themselves instead - because no matter what kind of gadget they buy, they're still the same worthless dumbass they were before they bought it.

I have one word for this - HACK.

HA ! Bravo.

I'm sure this next Trek will make about as much sense as the recent Tron, and be about as well made...

Seriously - did you see the way they shot out of that airlock ?? LOL.

HA. Yeah - they almost outnumber the lens flares. ALMOST.

1. The darkness is in the hearts of the film makers who have bastardized Trek into this action flick shit - in lieu of trusting in the audience's intelligence.

You're not cranky, and if you're old fashioned; it's for the better. The popularity of the "new" Trek movies is a barometer of our increasingly cultural & intellectual bankrupt society....

You got that right. Abrams has turned Star Trek into brainless action-crap.

What the hell is this ?? This isn't Star Trek, people.

"I have a bad feeling about this..."

Oh - this "blows" alright...

You need to get over yourself.

We know you're excited & can't wait; but show some class NASA - play a little Barry White before drilling....