
You've missed the point here - "hyperspace", as it's generally represented in science fiction, involves traveling FASTER than the speed of light - not close to the speed of light.

I agree - it's a nice looking design, but not revolutionary.

What a bullshit PR piece.

You seem to be bent on getting the last word in. As well as walking back your original rant's talking points. Again, LOSER...

Good Lord...

....that really paints a disturbing picture....

Some things beg to be reprimanded, regardless of time-frame - like your absurd tirade regarding the "Zune"....

Was busy with far more important things.

I like this new DARPA tactical infantry drone. The smile is initiated when the pleasure center of its human brain implant is stimulated, in response to a successful kill.

Fox "news" has experts ??

Exposing yourself to ignorance DOES make you more ignorant. So you CAN blame Fox for that...

You're not fooling anyone either -

More power to you, Anonymous. Keep fighting the good fight.

So you're saying, that Anonymous itself is entitled to protection from harassment and violations of privacy, even though THEY may have unpopular beliefs ?

Thought this was Gizmodo, not Jizzmodo...

Nothing... but Eternal Damnation ! !

You brought this on yourself, Crapple !

Apparently, no - Titan's atmosphere contains no oxygen that would enable combustion.

All that - in 17 years... Sorry, not buyin' it.

And that something is - Epitrochoid !