Unsinkable at any speed
Unsinkable at any speed
Champ Bailey is definitely a champ!
“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”
Dear Patrick, PETA kills dogs and cats. They have not enough money to feed them. They are a bad place. Humane society is awesome, but PETA is shit. They only rescue animals for publicity, then let them starve.
PETA is not interested in helping pets; do not contact them unless you’re okay with PETA killing them.
Following the rules is clearly not their Forte.
You get a Velostar for that pun!
That was Optimal timing.
That’s my favorite scene from Jaws.
A PET IS A GODDAMN LUXURY. IT IS NOT NECESSARY. Don’t you understand that part? Buying a dog or swim fins doesn’t make sense if you can’t even afford renters insurance.
The rarefied air of living within ones means. Yes. How very bourgeoisie of me.
The implication of the article is that this person, though no fault of their own, is in some sort of debt predicament they can’t escape.
WITHOUT HAVING FUCKING INSURANCE ON IT DIPSHIT!!! That isn’t “bad luck” that is outright stupidity, and it wasn’t “his house” moron, he was R-E-N-T-I-N-G it!!! Ever hear of something called “renter’s insurance”? Yeah, on average it would’ve cost him a whopping TWELVE DOLLARS A MONTH! But hey, let’s opt for the pitbull…
He didn’t become poor because his dog got hit, he became poor because he either opted out of getting renters insurance (which is cheap and valuable, and is highly advised on ANY investment site), or couldn’t “afford” it...which means he should’ve considered a cheaper place and said no to the dog, which ironically…
Then simply don’t get yourself into situations like this. If you’re “poor” don’t have pets because they can cost $$$, and don’t rent a place with 2 kids and not have SOME form of insurance...which most renters at least KNOW about (and many landlords suggest to avoid issues going forward, like theft, etc.). This…
To be fair, he only joined the crime ring very recently after it started doing well.
I find it so unfortunate that there are so many naysayers whenever there is a positive story of someone working their way out of debt. They want to think that it is impossible merely because THEY THEMSELVES have not been able to achieve the same; it’s like lobsters dragging escaping lobsters back into the pot.