I just watched the whole thing and I loved every minute of it. I’m a middle age (42) white liberal white lady, and I’m wondering what the fuck is going on with the audience. Good for Larry pushing harder.
I just watched the whole thing and I loved every minute of it. I’m a middle age (42) white liberal white lady, and I’m wondering what the fuck is going on with the audience. Good for Larry pushing harder.
to be slightly fair to us wypipo, most of the jokes from white people that make black people feel uncomfortable seem to be ones that center on black people being stupid or inferior in some way that is not about morality. the kind of thing you can get righteously and correctly mad about, but not uncomfortable.
Oh those CNN salty ass tears were hilarious.
I mean it was more a slam on Brian Williams, but damn did he come for everyone. I liked him before but Larry Wilmore seriously has my respect now.
I was cracking up (or cringing in a good way) almost the entire time. The “Obama’s hair is so white it says all lives matter” killed me. And the part about Morning Joe was so incredibly real. Don Lemon actually handled it the best in my opinion. Yes he flipped him off but it was obviously in a joking way.
Yup! Not a single glorious fuck was given by Larry. And the best part was that Obama seemed to really enjoy it. Maybe minus the drone bit - but alas, that was fully deserved.
I also loved how Larry Wilmore did not give a single fuck about the audience. He straight up did not care about their opinion or their reactions except to laugh at them for being a tough (white) crowd.
White liberals can't take a race joke. Everyone else is way more chilled about. Wilmore killed it btw that Stephen curry joke was pretty good with a zing
To be fair, most white people are comfortable with jokes about race as long as they’re the ones making it, not the ones receiving it. At least from my experience. Props to Wilmore though. His show deserves more recognition than it gets.
What a fucking BAMF. Ties Cecily for best speech since Colbert.
People are fucking weird. This was HILARIOUS. And all the more so by how many complete cringe worthy moments there were, of all these media people being entirely unable to laugh at them selves. Did you guys see Blitzer’s face?? If eyes could kill, Larry would be dead. Dead, I tell ya.
Are we not talking about the total slam on Lester Holt?
This is what Chris Rock’s Oscar monologue should have been imho. He kept it 100.
Humor is subjective. Most of these jokes made me laugh. The audience’s reactions throughout made me cringe.
I know you guys are desperately trying to paint anyone who dares critize the all mighty Melissa McArthy the Queen of comedy as a woman hating Mra but this movie looks like shit.
Yes but we got this out that bullshit, so in the end it was worth it.
I am so very, very grateful for Mary Pat Christie’s discerning and exemplary eye-roll during orange hungry hungry…
No mention of Hold up (my damn jam!) being based off a tweet by Ezra Koenig of Vampire Weekend and Maps by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs? Or the the excellent rock influence of Jack White on Don’t hurt yourself? I like Bey getting in it with indie and rock I’m here for it.