
I knew this guy in college... douchey wingnut, wore Confederate flag t-shirts, etc. Not very bright. Whenever he said something stupid, there would often be someone there to make some scathing, sarcastic comment back that was essentially making fun of him... and he would laugh along because he had no idea his idiocy

I’m 100% sure she did not get the joke.

Missed opportunity: “Emily Blunt and African American oscar winner Charlize Theron”

I thought she was pretty good in Girl Interrupted, but like with Ryder in the same film, it’s not a stretch to play someone so like yourself and she was kinda nuts back then. She seems like a great person though, just kind of talent-less.

Not surprising that cheating is more accessible than racism that people will refuse to acknowledge.

I...fully support a kid not getting an iPhone till after they’re 15

I really need to know Michael Cera’s thoughts on this.

Women who test positive for drugs while pregnant, too. And domestic violence victims serving decades for “letting” their abusive partner harm or kill their children. The things we as a society demonize vs. the things we excuse or make light of are so fucking depressing.

Five years.

This is the cutest goddamned thing. I’m just reading and re-reading it, chuckling fondly.

My dad convinced me and my sisters that “Resident” was a small, hairy person that lived under our house, which was built on a raised foundation. We put all our junk mail on the ground by the foundation’s vent hole, and would get so excited when it was gone next time we checked. “Resident came!”

/takes a toke/
I know, man...

Well, I joined the military right after high school. So.

I won't do anything you aren't comfortable with.


Ok Kylie. Let’s talk.

Chrissy’s tweets are getting better and better. I love her.