One of the best quotes I ever heard about likability came from UNC women’s soccer coach Anson Dorrance (who is a man):
One of the best quotes I ever heard about likability came from UNC women’s soccer coach Anson Dorrance (who is a man):
I agree but to a certain extent you can’t manipulate how other see you. I hate to talk about being a “minority” again, but there are people who won’t consider me likeable or strike up a friendship with me because they assume things about my character, or are upset when there assumptions are not true. It can be…
Ha! When I was a teacher I was a MAGNET for asshole parents. It’s also been a problem in any customer service job I’ve ever worked, and has even become a running joke in my current workplace.
So i guess Bey is just going to overlook all the racism that come out of the Hillary camp during the 2008 election?
Oh wow, I totally lost the plot in this comment thread. My point was that celeb gossip is a fickle entity but that’s a bit off script.
And, add the unspoken subtext that a baby is a “consequence”; just more evidence that, to these clowns, kids are only human lives until they’re born. It reminds me of David Steinberg’s great one-liner: “My parents always accepted me for what I was — a punishment from God.”
You can’t consolidate federal and private loans, but you can refinance both types of loans into a single private loan. If you are looking to make one payment, this may be a good solution for you, but if your interest rates are already low you may want to stick with what you have currently. Check out more on private…
Mine passively sat by while my dad abused me for years. It was always my fault for provoking him. I’d suspect her of not being my mom if I wasn’t exactly like my grandma in just about every way.
Yup. The author is a beautiful writer so I can understand the appeal of the Amazon... but I don’t understand the appeal of sweating, mucking around and huts.
I’m not too far into it, but it’s interesting. My instinct is to be skeptical of some of the more sweeping claims (i.e. one in 25 people is a sociopath), but she’s exploring it in a measured, thoughtful way. It’s got me thinking about the concept of a social contract (the unspoken rules people abide by out of a sense…
Working title: The Blade
As long as these dudebods with dadbods are extending the bodpositivity to their wifebods and girlfriendbods who have maybe “let themselves go,” I’m all for it. Bods.
I don’t think questions like that have to be off limits, but I don’t like the idea of not clearing those types of questions, or at the very least those types of topics beforehand. To your point, it’s invasive and upsetting, particularly I’m sure in the context that RDJ was in. He was like “Here I am at a junket; I’ll…
They’ve actually done studies about this. It’s not just in the film industry, it’s everything else too.
Oh and this is just one more example of why we need well-regulated, well-paid, subsidized daycare in the U.S. like, yesterday. I’m honestly amazed people aren’t rioting in the streets over the state of childcare in America.
Meh. No weirder than voting in a cowboy actor into office as president. At least this has less long term damaging effects on the country.
What a filthy and disgusting comment. So Terry Crews, a black man who has NOTHING to do with Mike Tyson has to be the one to sit out in protest? What is this strange fetish that white feminists have for punishing black males as a group? You white feminsts have the same view of black males as white male conservatives.…
Here’s the thing it is rape, BECAUSE qualified health professionals said she is no longer able to consent to sex based on their evaluations. The problem is once that threshold is crossed there is no going back. So what if she has lucid moments now and again? Imagine anyone’s horror if they are engaging in sex and then…
So if she thought her late husband Slim was still alive, does this mean that she thought she was still married to him? Did she know Rayhons was her husband? Did she even know who he was?
People keep pointing out that nursing homes are institutions that tend to disregard the sexual agency of people. But people need to remember that marriage is an institution that tends to disregard the sexual agency of women.