
Because living in a brick McMansion 5-10 miles from anything of interest and the most culturally significant thing in the area being the first McDonalds in the metro suburban area sounds like actual hell to me.

Well, the Kevin Feige/Edward Norton feud sure stepped up a notch.

Agree. Too cynical, but par for the course here.

Once again. It’s not about Republicans vs Democrats.

That’s a factory option.

Beck Fools Can’t Help but Steal Memes

Ignore these commenters swearing they’ll “cancel” a place they frequent over, a minor issue.

Yeah, it would be satisfying to just stare at the bartender for a few seconds, and with a “yeah...good one” slide off the stool and out the door.

your girl probably riding two up with me and you're jealous.

the world needs a little chaos, if you want peace go live in the boonies. NYC doesn't care about those kids or their neighborhoods so they act like rebels and ride around illegally. I applaud them and their old school american biker gang mentality.

Libby, it might serve to specify which ‘Parliament’ this occurred in.  There is more than one Parliament in the world.

As a Canadian, I refer to the rest of those dwelling on this fine continent as South Canadians, not North Americans.

More like deFORESTER, am I right?

You now whats the most hypocritical thing of all? People not admitting they are all hypocrites. You show me 10 people that say they never went over 100 mph on a public road and I’ll show you 9 hypocrites judging the 10th person who actually admitted it.

no fucking way am i tipping hotel staff 10 bucks without them giving me an enthusiastic hand job with eye contact first.

The perceived importance of one number over another based on nothing more than the nice roundness or ease of remembering is a tribute to humans petty, lazy, simple minded nature and pisses me off.

“Early in his career.” lol Nigga, he was talking mad shit last year. What the fuck you talkin’ ‘bout?


If a nuke is launched at any of those fake microsoft scammer call centers is it really that bad?

I’m not saying they stole my idea, I’m just saying...