But he’s WHITE!!... can’t you fucking see? Terrorists are Black or Brown and believe in a different Jesus..
But he’s WHITE!!... can’t you fucking see? Terrorists are Black or Brown and believe in a different Jesus..
Wait.. What was the “Political Motive” of the Nice truck driver?
Was it followed by a herd of unicorns galloping over the rainbow?
In his defense... Rex did not start 2 wars.
Ayy ayy... I like Lana Del Rey alright...and I don’t even have a beard.
Knows who to call for a mercenary army? He’s the one you call!!
Somewhere... Donald Rumsfeld is sitting reading this and laughing a sinister laugh.
Between Mustang, Camaro and Challenger.. you really think Challenger is the non-bleh one? The slab sided USS Numnutz that is more expensive than the other two? The modern day equivalent of Land Yacht Coupes dressed up in t-shirt and jeans??
And you liked it..
Why aren’t you hating Tesla like the rest of us??? You’re supposed to call it Devil’s Work!!!
Shhh... Jalopnik Keyboard Warriors and Armchair Financial Analysts know more than the professionals.
I’m all for it. Can we (Canadians)just refuse to accept him back? Just not pick him up at the border.
Negro why you so rude?
EXACTLY!! As we get older, our minds become consumed by the idea of “results”. Focusing so much on what are we getting out of an activity to the point we even forget to enjoy what we are doing.
“We didn’t stop playing because we got old. We got old because we stopped playing.”
The point is to NOT keep doing it if you don’t enjoy it. But KEEP TRYING new thing till you find what you enjoy.
So just the garden variety moron.
Not sure if never drove enough axles/oversized loads or just a moron.