
White suburban housewife whose husband hasn’t bought her flowers in 3 years kinda dead

Have someone photograph ANY single waking moment, and I guarantee there will be some pretty unflattering photos to you(me) out there.

Because the rear seats on most FCA vehicles barring the minivans are especially shit.

“ In most industries, people tend to be judged by their competence in their job”

Then you sir... are an imbecile or work in IT. The 70k this man has to spend... a large part of it simply comes from people’s ‘perception’ of how good he really is or what everyone else is paying him.

He’s an attorney you moron... it is his job being judged... literally.

“Unstoppable in the Winter”...I think I see what you did there... I’m not sure... but i think...

Make Alfa Great Again.

Don’t worry. Grandma will croak soon enough... then you can get one.

You’re not even in right mind... is what I’m saying.

in 2017... yeah it’s pretty bad. Because everything seems to look like that.

Chill fam... your “fanboi” is showing.


The problem is that average buyer... is never a car geek. Original 8 series has been my dream cars for years. But every time I show it to someone who is not into cars or design language in general, always comes back with “Meh... looks like an old car” or “too boxy” or “look nice, kinda old-timey”.

Maybe its because they really do keep getting shittier and shittier every 10 years

The people in the video are

If this is not the next ford commercial.... I’m boycotting Ford

Stop!! Don’t!!


Oh shush. Bailouts and Handouts are for corporations only!!