It should be “pay a percentage of list price.” That wouldn’t work because people would game the system, but this mostly hurts the likelihood of finding Good and Interesting ads ($500-$1,000 cars).
It should be “pay a percentage of list price.” That wouldn’t work because people would game the system, but this mostly hurts the likelihood of finding Good and Interesting ads ($500-$1,000 cars).
Not to be a shit disturber, but I find it kinda insane how many “drift” articles are published here when, I’d argue, it isn’t as popular as Overlanding which is not covered as extensively.
It bothers me when I can’t drive to/from work with my windows open (or with them shut with the vent fan on) without getting a mouthful from some toolbag smoking while he’s driving while I have my kids on the truck.
Thought it was a modded Ford GT actually.. and far as your comment.. “’s hot..” well, let’s see what happens, shall we?
I don’t see any value whatsoever in this proposal. How many people are DDing their Miata in areas that get snow? I did for two years and never once wished for AWD or more grip in general. I got a decent set of winter tires and had an absolute blast in the worst weather that we had had in years.
I have a huge quarrel with modern head rests. They all have this forward slant that forces your head forward and down. If I get in an accident it will probably crush my neck vetebrae.
It was so bad on my 2012 Subaru Outback I had to turn the headrest around so it faced backwards - and then it got way more comfortable!
Never knew I was supposed to drive in Heels. I will go out and get some
“Prior art” “noninventive” and “obvious” are reasons to invalidate this patent.
“There’s no valid financial reason for the vast majority of Republican voters to vote Republican.”
How To Vote Your Interest:
Yeah, 100%.
Man your childhood must have sucked
I’m frankly a little surprised to see so many commenters acting as if this is a proven technology and anyone the least bit concerned about it is being a Luddite. It is most certainly not proven and there’s a long way to go before it is.
Hey everyone, I found the guy with no kids.
I’ve gotta admit, I wouldn’t want a self-driving van tootling around my neighborhood with my kids walking down the street either. Then again, I’m not sure what good driving your car at it or trying to run it off the road would do. Seems a simple call to their headquarters requesting they avoid your neighborhood…
Surely you jest. I remember being mad that LEGO City introduced a new casting for an airplane fuselage.
Yeah, but LMP cars are already blocky and ugly.