
I don’t think this was a concrete piston, I think they filled the cylinder with the stuff and it was basically a 3 cylinder car.

When they say “center lane”, they might be referring to a center turn lane on a non-divided highway, like this:

Am I the only one who thinks this EXACT scenario should be test number fucking one? If the system can’t handle this....

A lot of people use their phone for business, so they often have to answer unknown numbers.

The fact that the pentagon had a UFO identifying program is neat, but realistically, 22 million in Pentagon Dollars gets you 2 lackeys in a basement office, plus maybe a car and a coffee machine.

Damn, I read that they had stolen 46 POLICE cars. I was both Wow! and Why?? at the same time.

“Your car won’t start? Must be the battery”.

He’d also been thrown around a bit and it’s not as if he was in a position to do anything for Force, who had plenty of help on hand. It was a shitty situation for both of them. Not sure what you expect really.

I don’t illegally stream, I simply wait for the Skysports Torrent.

Show me the whole damn car! Jesus... can’t stand all these detail shots without an overarching establishing shot

Or.. You put a worm type hose clamp over the location where the hinge pin comes out with the fastener at an angle that is difficult to reach and most thieves will move on to an easier target.

I’m such a fan I just automatically moused over your comment to try to see the title text.

S2000 owners have the best mistaken identity stories. To the ignorant, they’re either Miatas or Ferraris, and nothing in between.

I was at a Porsche club HPDE and was talking to the chief about the events. We got onto the subject of Corvettes and he says, “We used to consider them jokes, back in the early 90s. Then they got pretty good in the late 90s. Then they got really good in the late 00's. Now they’re faster than we are!”

imagine that system catastrophically degrading as the car aged

Don’t most cars only have 2 front tires??

They’re a completely unnecessary prospect in this day and age, however. Why can’t we just configure a car, pay online, and have it shipped to our house in a month or so just like, oh, I don’t know, literally everything else ever.

Top 15 trucks and SUVs.

remember kids, if ever you get in trouble for bad behavior, just escalate that bad behavior for 2 years straight and you’ll be rewarded with fame and fortune