hot take: notch back beetle is the best looking beetle I have ever seen
hot take: notch back beetle is the best looking beetle I have ever seen
I really wanted them to succeed, but man they are really finding out how hard it is to make a car company from scratch.
When will MotoGP get proper canopies?
When is Formula 2/GP2, GP3, World Series Used-To-Be-Renault, Star Mazda, Formula Mazda, Formula Vee, Formula Atlantic, Formula SCCA, Formula Continental, Formula 1000, Formula 500/600, Formula Ford, Formula Nippon, Super Formula, Formula 3, Formula 4, Spec Racer Ford, SCCA Prototype 1/2, Formula E, IndyCar, and Indy…
In a couple years when Autopilot’s been perfected
Wire mesh grilles made out of Home Depot gutter guard material. To make it worse, I did it to two different cars.
If I were an astronaut on the moon with a minibike, like, zero work would have gotten done.
Credentialed! Well, that clears Deadspin.
ok yesterday i watched the fb posts and asked myself - why is he trying to start a 6 volt system with a 12 volt battery?
The place I worked kept asking people who ate in the cafeteria what they needed to do to improve it, rather than the 50% of the company that left the building every day to eat elsewhere.
An airplane needs enough lift to get it up into the air. It doesn’t need to produce as much lift as possible to push it harder up into the air.
There are other options available like smaller vans and SUVs, like the Ford Explorer,
Wow! Good thing there was a ton of run off so no one went into a wall. Glad everyone was “OK” in the end. BUT I CAN’T STOP STARING AT THE CRACK IN THE WINDSHIELD!
Using Trump’s logic, it would either be transportation secretary or ambassador to France.
That headline makes me want to set up a twitch channel and pretend to be a pro league player.
Hard Dog Roll bars come with partial leather wrap and they are ~$400 roll bars that people put in Miatas. Whats the bid deal about the leather wrap? A bare roll bar would be a little boy racer in such a gentlemanly vehicle.
You need to practice. Training, evidently, is the key to this. You don’t pass? No robot nanny driver for you.