
If they can do this with a Fusion, imagine what they could do with a Fiesta!

"How I Rolled My Dream House"

Damn I really wish we could see steering angle so we could properly critique this guys form.

Dude is winded casually jogging to second base.

Me. I'm the worst. Especially at parties. All I do is find someone who isn't talking to anybody else and proceed to tell them about all the special editions of 1993-2001 Imprezas in other markets.

I will not fall for you trap...

Hey, bet these would hold a fishin pole pretty good. wonder how much they'd cost.

Holy shit. I DID have a sticker that said "My Other Car's a Beetle, and It's Pretty Easy To Steal, Like Many Cars of the Era" on the press car that week!

On a side note, that is an awful looking website, especially for a high priced luxury brand.

This is probably the most sane/sensical swap i've seen. RS wheels on the R8, honestly they look better.

When asked about his loyalty to the child, the cat replied "What child? I saw a fucking dog, I acted. Nibbles is looking out for Nibbles."

Dateline, 11PM, June 5, 2014 - The NCAA is happy to announce that Mr. Turner living quarters for the time that he is deemed to be homeless while awaiting to enroll in school at Boise State can be provided by any benefactor willing to assist this student-athlete.

To all those who think you cant have fun with 67 horsepower in a tiny car... you are not true jalops.

10 million dollars? This means one of the formerly fastest cars on earth has now turned into an speculation object, which is too valuable to serve its former purpose.

Sadly, however, go to "under five dollars" and it's 90% DLC.

Especially annoying how each DLC for the same game takes up it's own entry, so you end up seeing like 30 fucking trains for train simulator.

Actually pretty nice looking.

I am not entirely certain the rear end collapsed. 5 dudes flipped the car, 5 pretty big looking dudes. There was probably 700-800 pounds of dude in those backseats, and another 400-500 in the front.

The answer is 917.

Build more of these, damnit.

I went right to the Tomy wheel