Fastidious Robot

I don't know exactly what's in it, but it tastes like regular ketchup but not sweet.

I use unsweetened ketchup. I brought some to a picnic and a few hot dog snobs gave me a hard time, and they still didn't understand when I told them it was unsweetened. They were just parroting crap they'd heard.

If you think of rooting ego as an investment, Yankees fans are the ones least willing to risk their rooting ego. They want to root for the team that has the deck stacked in its favor and then act like their team has achieved as much as any other team when they win. In reality, it's an event when the Yankees don't

Polite? Repectful? Have you been to Wrigley Field? Or did I miss the joke?

A lot of anti-Semites turned anti-Nazi once Germany declared war on us. Groups like America First found themselves suddenly impotent.

Shhh! You'll harsh the self-righteousness buzz.

The fact that the people protesting about the elephants didn't attend after the elephants were removed exposes their hypocrisy.

I enjoyed MLB radio on Sirius until they removed it from the web-only membership, which is what I had. Then I canceled.

Damn that Audrey.

"How does it stay so aktuell?"

The rules weren't always what they are now. When the requirement was brought in that all call signs be 4 letters, some stations already had 3-letter call signs. They were allowed to keep them.

Generally true, but irrelevant to my point.

Um, WKRP was an AM station.

The searches in Oregon for Portlandia might have as much to do with shooting locations, etc. as anything else. It doesn't mean at all that more people here (Portland) watch the show. I'm guessing that's why it isn't a big deal in Maine - because it doesn't shoot there.

There's absolutely no reason to believe the number of Google searches on a show's title correlates with the show's popularity or how many people watch it.

Most of the time, if I'm replying to someone who has expressed a fact-free viewpoint, it's in the hope of stopping other people who might be reading from simply believing what the first commenter is saying. This is mainly useful with false claims that sound plausible. If the first commenter says something no one in

A big problem is that the internet has given them an easy way to find each other and social media has given them a platform. It was a lot more difficult for them before.

That's a wild assumption. It's safe to say his positions would have been attacked mercilessly and the right would have tried to make him into a communist, and he has policy positions that can pretty easily be misconstrued that way.

For those who switched from Bernie to Trump, it was about not electing a woman.

Isn't Twin Peaks supposed to air this year?