Fastidious Robot

She's a Mary Sue, a surrogate for Amy Sherman-Palladino.

In what way has the show tried to make us believe she's broke? Aimless and failing, yes.

Rory and Lorelai have always been unlikable. You'll drive yourself crazy trying to like them. What you can like is the amazing dialogue and the fully-realized world Palladino creates. And there are plenty of other characters who are likable, or at least hilarious.

I got trough about the first 3 episodes on my first time watching it, and gave up because I couldn't figure out how to like or root for any of the characters.

You can watch it on broadcast TV if you get the LaffTV channel. I had never seen it and ran through the episodes once on that channel, and I have no need to watch them again. Enjoyable enough, but nothing to get me to rewatch it.

I'm with you on the weakness of the Sci-Fi years. They nearly completely stopped making obscure pop culture references from before about 1980. It was as if they couldn't allow any jokes that younger people might not get. And as you say, the jokes became generic. To me, that's still what Rifftrax sounds like. I

Since the hockey Rangers play there and the baseball Rangers play a thousand miles away, it should have been entirely obvious.

She was an old pro. I have a feeling it didn't faze her.

If you watch the whole series, you realize that Rory is a Mary Sue, the proxy for the show creator who can do no wrong. I can live with that because the rest of the show is so good.

It's a comedy.

To me, most of the appeal of the series is the wonderful world created by the writing and the sparkling dialogue. The writeup here focuses on the comings and goings of boyfriends for Lorelai and Rory, but I just saw those stories as devices to drive the plot. The real story is the town and the impossibly quirky and

There's a similar story behind the Pledge of Allegiance.

They should have stuck with dropping the cow.

All true, but Indians as a general term isn't a slur. It's used regularly.

Crackers and Redskins are ethnic slurs. Indians isn't. The logo has to go, though.


But they can only gerrymander because Dems don't come out enough in off-year elections. That's part of Gus' point. Repubs understand the importance of down-ballot elections and the average Democratic voter doesn't.

When Trump supporters can give reasons to vote for him that are grounded in reality and not made-up conspiracy theories, then I'll believe that their support comes from a place other than racism or misogyny. Until then, they only get scorn from me.

"Here in southern Texas, they have an additional problem." "Texans!"

What's it like to live in a civilized country?