Fastidious Robot

Some of us were there.

If he thinks it can keep him in the headlines a few more days, I could see him trying to denounce the results of the election.

You seem to have a low opinion of 8th graders.

I really enjoyed Weekend, even though it meant there was no SNL that week. Jumpin' Jack Flash!

There was a time when it was considered uncivilized to serve items from their original packaging. That time is long past. Canisters survive today for times when you don't want bugs to get into something, let's say cereal.

…seminal moments in his life with his bestest buddy ever that we've never heard of or seen before.

Whoooooaaaaa, Jablonski!!

Mark Frost is involved in this, too, so I would expect it to lean toward basic TV concepts.

Name one action that was taken to “rig” the primary. You can’t because there wasn’t any. Knowing that the DNC preferred Clinton doesn’t constitute rigging.

I remember John Beck from one of those post-Dallas soap operas. Was it Flamingo Road? I'm too lazy to check.

That was meant to be a clever response, not a sign that I didn't understand the reply. Damn internet.


Sorry, but Malachi Throne is best-known for playing False Face on Batman.

Sci-fi meant "B-movie".

Done in the '80s Twilight Zone. A pretty good story with Lane Smith called "Profiles in Silver".

"Fans want Superman to be Christ more than Zack Snyder does."
You may be right, and I've never understood this. Why turn him into Christ when he's already Moses?

that they produce…

The stores I go to here in Portland offer paper bags for no charge.

My favorite episode was the one where every act came out and sang the maudlin ballad "Feelings". By the end of the show the audience was practically rioting and unscrewing the lightbulbs each time the piano intro started.

The show was usually wildly freewheeling and joyous. I doubt the new version will capture that.