Fastidious Robot

That was not the best episode to choose.

The 2010 midterm was going to happen no matter what we did. There was always going to be a severe backlash from the bigots to electing the first black president.

I started at the beginning and gave up in 1993. Making it to now would have been unthinkable.

You'll be flying to hell on Lucifer Airways, serving Satan's minions for over 40 years!!! Back to you, Bill!

Yes, that's the silver lining.

So Vermont's tourism pitch was developed by the emcee from "Cabaret"?

Yes, and now the pandering signs also say "gluten free" (not counting people with actual celiac disease, just talking about the "I've gone gluten-free" faddists.)

No one really thinks that, they're just calling him those things in place of what they actually want to call him.

Well, Arnold Palmer was a sports legend. Not saying Fernandez didn't deserve an R.I.P., considering that's about all they still do here.

That's technically correct, but there's nothing stopping this show from saying the word "Calvin" unless they wanted to express solidarity with Bill Watterson.

No offense intended to your mom, but people who think 9/11 was our country's most difficult time are exactly the problem.

I hope it turns out that Michael needs cartographers and welders for some still-undisclosed reason.

In Down with Love, he takes the Tony Randall role in a sendup of the Rock Hudson-Doris Day movies. He's excellent, of course.

Up to that time, it was the only thing that ever worked before football on ABC.

That makes sense.

I don't see how Friends is any better than Home Improvement, yet Friends still has a following today. (I don't care for either one.)

Then there was the story where Rhoda tried to get Brenda to ask Robin out, but was stymied by Brenda's crippling self-image problem.

Yeah, if you didn't see it at the time and have seen it after seeing all the things it informed, you're not going to appreciate it nearly as much.

"So let's take away the guns form all the time travelers who want to kill me! That's what Crooked Hillary wants, isn't it? She wants to take guns away from time-traveling assassins, right? So let's just do it!"

Well, they did try to keep it going into the early '60s, but the listeners had all moved to TV - even after some big-bucks attempts to keep radio listeners, like The Big Show. There were some low-budget efforts in the mid-late '60s, but those also didn't draw enough to make money. I'm not sure what they could have