Fastidious Robot

The Five O'Clock Follies

I enjoyed going to games there. It's said that the player facilities weren't very good.

Right after Stig accidentally sued himself.

I'm with the author. I can take or leave a Big Mac, but the Filet-o-Fish does something to me. It's the only thing I go to McDonalds for, about once a year like in the article. It's greater than the sum of its parts.

Letterman built his career around it.

Because it was on ABC.

We're horrible at risk management.

Having one person go for the Big Deal completely ruined the Big Deal. Most of the fun was watching the reaction of the person whose door isn't being revealed and realizes they've got the Big Deal.

I had a flip phone that used a proprietary headphone adapter, but it didn't break.

Absolutely agree it's a shitty feature.

I don't remember exactly. There were some releases earlier this year.

Apple isn't the first phone manufacturer to lose the headphone jack. Don't blame them without blaming the ones who did it earlier.

Returning to CBS over 30 years after her TV breakout role on "Mary".

The Brady Bunch is no better than Small Wonder.

No, no, that's when racism started. She wanted special treatment because of her race. I learned *that* on Fox News.

Having gone over all his great stuff in my mind in the half hour since I heard about this, I hadn't even gotten to Young Frankenstein yet. His career was incredible.

If you like the gentleman Satan, you might like the Twilight Zone short "I of Newton" with Ron Glass and Sherman Hemsley.

That's totally unfair. In the first place, I'm not indignant, and if I were, it wouldn't be about that. From what I understand, he was acquitted of rape, yet people are throwing around the word "rapist" as if he were convicted. If I'm wrong about that, please correct me. Secondly, if it's so important to you that

Not strawman at all. That's the logical extension of your approach.

Doesn't it get tiring vetting every single artist whose art you consume? Oh, you don't do that? You only react to the ones you randomly hear about in the news? Better get cracking with your research into the Coen brothers' personal lives.