
But then how will audiences know if the white protagonist is both cool AND not a racist?

I like CASINO a lot too.

I saw the MST3K movie when it came out in the theater and loved it. The part that made my sides hurt from laughing the most was the "Brack Show" bit:

Germany did invade France but the war kept going on for years because both sides would rather waste the lives of thousands of men than admit defeat.

"When did you last embarrass a sheila with your cool, appraising stare?"

There was an episode in the last season of The Brady Bunch "Kelly's Kids"(an aborted attempt at a spinoff) that mentioned "Archie Bunker" which baffles me because it means the show All in the Family exists in the Brady Bunch universe!

The buttertubs thing happened before Cups.

I actually got to meet him years ago at a Veronica Mars cast autograph signing and tell him how much I liked his guest appearance on Monk and he said "I can't believe how many people watch that show!"

I'm not the biggest Kattan fan but I laughed so hard in that sketch where he's a masseuse and he massages Derek Jeter. Kattan puts on Enya and he starts to space out listening to it.

Who knew if you stuck a fake chin on Clooney he'd look like Jay Leno?

Phil Hartman as Worf was awesome. "The weak and elderly have no place in shuffleboard!"

The Schmitt's Gay commercial isn't as funny without the Van Halen song or the audience reaction.

I also like in that episode the sketch where Tim Meadows played that guy who was defended himself in his own trial, who was the real life guy Colin Ferguson who shot up a train on Long Island.

That was the second one, when Sting was host. The first one was a West Side Story parody when Robert Downey Jr. hosted:

My favorite sketch of Schneider's was from the Jeff Goldblum episode where he played the subway musician and everything he sang was contradictory to what he tells Goldblum. Goldblum gives him money and Scheider gets angry saying he's not a begger and that he keeps his change on the guitar case, but then he sings:

The Sally Field story from Jay Mohr's book sounds so awkward:

I do like when Mary Katherine does a monologue from a Lifetime movie.

She also did a pretty good Martha Stewart impression.

I will say I loved it when Tim Meadows appeared as Ike Turner(this was after the Tina Turner biopic "What's Love Got To Do With it?" came out and he would call Kevin by his full name "I'm sorry Kevin Nealon!" after smashing cake in his face!

Oh it was bad.