
The problem with Studio 60 was Sorkin got what was inherently dramatic about the setting wrong. Sorkin based it on the belief of a sketch show with a united front of performers and writers taking on real world issues and conservative politics. He believes in the "workplace as family" like his shows THE WEST WING or

It's like when John Oliver was ripping apart "United Passions", the movie FIFA produced about their own history. "Who makes a sports film where the heroes are the executives?"

You look at Jerry in those final scenes though and you can tell he thinks he's going to get an Oscar.

What was that part based on? That wasn't in the actual movie of APOCALYPSE NOW.

He was incredibly popular here in post war America when he and Dean Martin were a comedy team with Lewis getting a lot of the credit and Martin seen as just a singer. It's only after Martin left the act after 10 years and people realized Lewis solo is kind of intolerable. He needed a straight man.

They didn't leave, they just didn't know what audiences wanted for a few years so they were willing to let people try anything.

They're businessmen who make their own movies.

I'll always have affection for Jack Osbourne when on the drive back from the MTV movie Awards with his mother and sister Kelly he looks out the window at McDonald's at excitedly says "The McRib is back!".

I remember my joy of finally beating the Omega Pirate. For months it was frustrating to me. It was on the Game Cube so I couldn't do the Super Bomb Blast trick on the Wii. It was the pirates that dropped down after it disappears for a moment hat really pissed me off. You had to quickly switch your beam to whatever

Just shows what you can do with simple texture mapping and 3D shapes if you design it well.

I usually don't bother reading all the pirate data. I just scan quickly and move on.

I dunno I think that's held Natalie Portman back actually. It was okay when she was a teenager during the days of LEON but now she's an adult in her 30s and it's hard to take her seriously.

"Growing up, I didn’t see many faces like mine on television and film."
The thing is, as a Filipino I could see plenty of movies and TV shows people that looked like me(my mom rented about three tapes of them a week). They just didn't SOUND like me. They sounded like my parents or aunts or cousins but they didn't talk

I always loved Mickey Dolenz' singing voice. It's just has a unique sound for pop and rock of any era.

I loved him surprising Sylvester Stallone at the 1977 Oscars onstage saying "I'm the real Apollo Creed!" and it's true.

As Andy Bernard said in THE OFFICE about learning his ancestors didn't own slaves, just transported them. "Which at worst, makes us amoral middlemen!"

They also showed former slaves joining the Union army which most people in America weren't aware of in 1977, until the movie GLORY came out in 1989.

In that very weird period in the late 80s and early 90s when Penelope Ann Miller was inexplicably cast in EVERYTHING, she actually wasn't bad here.

He was my favorite adult in a Bad News Bears movie. Even more so than Walter Matthau(sacrilege I know) and way better than Tony Curtis.