
I just saw it for the first time a few months ago. I grew up watching The Dukes of Hazzard, so to see the late James Best(aka Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltraine) as the head of the murderers was strange! When they put William Devane's hand in a garbage disposal and his wife is pleading, asking why he doesn't just tell the

I love this excerpt from Outlaw Vern's review of THE ROCK because he uses a Bey quote from an interview and how "insightful" Bey thinks he is when it comes to actors:

They also cast beloved TV actors as the bad white characters like Mike Brady, Ben Cartwright, Pa Walton, etc.

There is a point though that Europeans wouldn't have captured so many Africans by themselves. The acquirement of that many slaves sold to the Americas could only have been through help from local rival tribes.

The series got really good right from the second episode with the chase and later episodes really dealt with various aspects of the trial, from the sexism Marcia Clark dealt with, the clash of egos between the members of the Dream Team, Chris Darden's struggles as being used as a token and the whole racial powderkeg

Whenever I see the scene in the original where Kunte is being whipped until he says his new slave name I think first "That's horrible." and second, Vic Morrow, the slavemaster was decapitated by helicopter blades in a set accident six years later while making the THE TWILIGHT ZONE movie.

Those were "outtakes" from the original miniseries:

Rewatching it seems Bran was warging into Hodor during the escape from the past until Meera yelled "Hold the door!" Then Bran in the past turns around and sees young Wyllis. That's when present Hodor took control of his own body while connecting to his younger self and causing him to have a seizure. Wylis was

I was laughing so hard at the payoff to "Farewell Mr. Bunting" my sides were aching. I thought as the sketch was building up "Okay someones going to fall off the desk." like in that episode of Community. When Pete's character gets decapitated by the ceiling fan splirting blood everywhere and everybody plays hot potato

That get comment gets an upvote!

Watching reruns of Quincy recently I realized that when Jack Klugman gets on his soapbox and starts being very serious and self-righteous and making speeches about some great injustice caused by a neglectful corporation or drug dealers, he sounds a little like Snagglepuss(or Bert Lahr from the Wizard of Oz). His

Because it makes people feel better about themselves watching people who are worse.

It's hilarious that the reason Susan Sarandon did a guest shot on Friends is that it was opposite Survivor and she just found that show morally reprehensible(after only watching the season 1 finale) so she wanted Friends to beat it:
" 'Survivor' is much more more detrimental. This is a show that
basically rewards you

I think Gen Xers got into swing music because they were sick of 50s and 60s nostalgia which the Baby Boomers were consumed with and they wanted to look even further back for something cool.

I read a 2013 Linda Ronstadt interview ago in Entertainment Weekly and they asked her about Lucas whom she dated for a couple of years in the 80s:

Well what did steel magnate Andrew Carnegie know about music?

One of my favorite Futurama jokes: "The shields are at total yarnell!"

But then you see Bill Cosby hanging around the mansion and it becomes horrifying now.

What's hilarious is that it was exactly like this sketch Mike Myers did earlier with Heather Locklear. Couldn't find the video but here's the transcript: