
You have to know who and what you're rebelling against man! *takes a hit off a bong*.

I want to put that on before I watch a Connery or Roger Moore Bond movie or Superman I or II, then go to bed just before the third act, just so I can feel 7 years old again.

I miss that twirling logo and the music.

Because of that old SNL spanish game show sketch "Quien es Mas Macho?" I pronounce his name "David Yansen".

The variety shows of that era is why the irreverence of Saturday Night Live was a welcome pop culture shock when it came on the scene in 1975.

I think each movie manages to be different. TFA was a war movie, TWS a spy thriller and CW a out-and-out superhero movie.

"I can do this all day." was a great callback to the first movie.

The Joker could get away with knowing a lot of things in THE DARK KNIGHT and having most of his plans succeed because he was depicted almost like a force of nature than a person.

Part of what I think what may have been the problem with Ultron as a villain was that he was created by Tony(with Bruce Banner's help) so all the bad things he does is essentially Tony's fault and the Avengers were cleaning up their own mess. You can't blame the Avengers for aliens invading New York but you can blame

Well obviously Elizabeth Montgomery always was hot, especially in the later seasons of Bewitched where she had the long hair and 70s outfits! I just meant she was made to look dirty with circles around her eyes and a ponytail and not glamorous. The uniform with skirt and boots and her looking like she wanted to shoot

Actually Iron Man 2, The Avengers, Captain America TWS, have all had scenes where one male character is angry at Natasha for lying to them.

60 year old Jenny Agutter was actually more believable doing those fight moves as a disguised Black Widow:

I loved the show Sledge Hammer as a kid! His partner Dori Doreau was one of my first crushes.

I looked it up and he goes from the Marina to Forest Hill station to Delores Park by train(which is not possible in real life) to Aquatic Park, then to the cross at Mount Davidson. Then somehow Scorpio after being stabbed in the leg by Harry there goes by foot to a hospital right by Kezar Stadium in Golden Gate Park!

That was a Death Wish parody. McGarnagle was the Dirty Harry spoof on The Simpsons:

I love that Dirty Harry vs Scorpio was like Batman vs the Joker in street clothes.

Keri Russell was incredible this whole episode and Matthew Rhys did a fantastic job directing.

I love during one sketch where Chris Elliot was supposed to vomit but the hose wasn't working for a moment and he ad libbed "Dry heaves!"

He did get to play the good guy once in DANCES WITH WOLVES, as the one decent officer among the white soldiers who capture John Dunbar at the end after he "turned Indian".